Accurate Health
Is a concept application made in Adobe XD. This app helps non-native English speaking users translate their health concerns with doctors and nurses prior to an appointment.
Research suggests that language barriers are a major cause behind minority groups avoiding hospital visits to get the care they may need.
Language barriers often result in inadequate health assessment, misdiagnosis, delayed treatment, and/or poor understanding of diagnosis or treatment.
The objective of this project was to create an application that lets non-native English speakers share their concerns with doctors and nurses prior to an in-person appointment - which enables them to share their needs more precisely, privately, and conveniently.
This application assists the user in translation, setting up appointments, adding custom notes and comments for the healthcare visit, and choosing a doctor by expertise/ or user reviews.
Application Architecture
From the applications sign-up page to the notification options found on the settings page,
application architecture maps out the the navigation for the application.
Progress Check 1
Splash Screen
Confirmation Page
Emergency Page
Locate your pain
Pain in the left arm
Pain specifically in the left wrist
Symptoms Page
Symptoms chosen
Pain Scale
Comments and Concerns Page
Choose your Language
Progress Check 2
Profile, Calendar, Location and Settings Pages
New, Confirmed and Past Appointment Pages
Slider for Pain Scale Feature
A total of 8 participants (men & women) with Spanish as their first language filled out 3 surveys for this project.
Survey 1: Demographic Questions
Survey 2: Health History Questions
Survey 3: Health Application Questions
Personas were created to represent users from different ages, gender and experiences. This process also illustrates the experience and engagement undergone using the app, as well as why this application would be beneficial.
User Testing
The following data was collected while the participants used the application. As they navigated through the app the participants spoke aloud what they were thinking and feeling. The participant was recorded and asked to complete an exit interview.
Exit Interview
After this experience, have your feelings toward health and wellness technology changed? If yes, how so?
User 1: Yes, because I don’t have to call the doctor to set up an appointment. I can set it myself.
User 2: Yes, it’s different from the the apps I have used. It’s easier to understand.
User 3: Yes, I may consider using the app for making appointments. I have always just called before.
User 4: Yes, it is easy to use wherever I am. Whether that be at home or at work if anything were to happen I can easily use the app.
User 5: Yes, it feels easy to use. I like that you can ask a health professional questions and get results.
Would you use this product in your everyday life/job?
User 1: Yes, I would use it.
User 2: Yes, I would.
User 3: Yes.
Yes 4: Probably.
User 1: Yes, I would.
What did you like most about this product?
User 1: That the app has a clickable body, that I can choose where it hurts on my body.
User 2: I like that I could click on the body.
User 3: I like the Appointment Page. That I can set up my own appointment (date and time) without being rushed by a nurse.
User 4: I like the colors and I think the app would be easy to use once all the bottons are functional.
User 5: I like that, for hispanic people, they have the option for the app to be in Spanish. Especially for those who don’t speak English.
Additional Comments:
User 1: It would be nice if the application had a page where you could find more assistance with links.
User 2: I would like to see a page where thereis a list of doctors that accept Medicaid or other insurance.
User 3: I would like, that at the end of the appointment, there would be a review survey to give feedback on how we were treated at the appointment.
User 4: I would like to fill out a review survey to rate the doctor.
User 5: I’d like to see a listing of different pay options. I’d like to know if I have to pay the full amount upfront or I can pay by installments.
What did you find most frustrating about this product?
User 1: I didn’t find anything frustrating.
User 2: I didn’t find anything frustrating.
User 3: Nothing, looked good to me.
User 4: Only that some of the buttons didn’t work.
User 5: Nothing.
Final Images