Iowa State Alumni
Graphic Design Competition
The Iowa State University’s Department of Apparel, Events and Hospitality Management in cooperation with the Alumni Association organized a competition for ISU Alumni to create a graphic design that celebrates ISU Alumni.
The Campanile
The Campanile at Iowa State is an iconic symbol of tradition and love for Cyclones everywhere. Constructed in 1897, Edgar W. Stanton spearheaded its construction after the passing of his beloved wife, Margaret McDonald Stanton, the first female dean of Iowa State. Today, Cyclones at Iowa State say that one is not a“true Iowa Stater” until they have kissed underneath the Campanile at the stroke of midnight.
Located on Iowa State’s central campus, the 110 foot Campanile is a constant reminder of what this prestigious institution is about - education for all. This has been the university’s aim since it was founded in 1868 with the purpose of giving education to children of farmers.
Cardinal (Pantone 186c)
Gold (Pantone 142c)
Final Design
For this design, the Campanile is the most prominent element of the artwork, along with the Iowa State University Alumni Association shield, which also depicts the Campanile.
The artwork is simple and clean, yet versatile. This allows the design to be used not only for everyday casual wear for young students but also for formal wear for Iowa State faculty and staff. I also ensured the artwork was printable in single/dual color to be used on different products.